I love lavender.

I like to think it's because my father's family was from France, but it's more likely because lavender is so, well, lavender. What's not to like about it? Lavender is the second herb I fell in love with. (Mint was the first.)

And I am not alone in my fascination for this particularly fragrant plant. All over Texas, well, at least in the dry, arid areas, lavender farms are springing up. Principessa and I visited one a few years ago.

Perhaps it is because lavender is so versatile, the swiss army knife of herbs. Mood enhancing, headache easing, and body fragrancing are just a few of the ways lavender is used to enrich our lives. And I didn't even mention lavender's culinary (teas, cookies, sorbets, or breads) or decorative abilities (wreaths, flower arrangements, sachets.)

I fell in love with lavender all over again after the birth of our first grandchild (Hi Boo!) Beautiful Mommy used Lavender and Chamomile baby bath and lotion on the little darling. I went right home and bought a tubful of the lotion to remind me of Boo. (Ok, maybe not a tubful, maybe just a large bottle.)

My dream is to travel to Provence one day to experience the lavender fields. (And visit a goat dairy.) But for now, I will be satisfied with my own little plot of lavender right outside my kitchen door.