It took planning, lots of planning. And coordination of schedules. And secrecy. Up until the last minute, she was afraid of failure. There were too many details that could go wrong. And yet, she pulled it off without a hitch. This mission impossible, this Thanksgiving surprise.
I am still reeling from the shock. And feeling so very grateful for
smiley cookies,

the airplane that brought our Principessa home,
the van that safely carried the Sprittles and their Mommy and Daddy to visit,
wild Indians stomping through the house in a mini school pageant recreated,

the voices of grandchildren,
the turkey that defrosted in time,
"feathers" of gratitude,
being together,
happy meal toys,
tiny arms around my neck,
hugs and kisses,

angel wings on lampshade,


silly sunglasses,

self portraits,

a scavenger hunt for Mommo,
a coonskin cap,

balloons and a floor vent,
Sprittle sleepover,
noodle necklaces,
hand-me-down bling,

blond hair + blue eyes + blue fleece pullovers,

Christmas displays,
hallways and self propelled trucks,

eating out,
a light dusting of snow Saturday morning,

a successful surprise,
the mission impossible made possible,
the love and graciousness that accomplished it.
A wonderful Thanksgiving.
"Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."

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