Being 60something and a decade over the weather advisory age, my Dear Professor and I have applied ourselves toward writing a Texas heat survival manual for the, ahem, over fifty crowd. This is a list of the bare essentials.
First, one should have a hat with a brim large enough to shade the eyes. A Texas flag bandana to accessorize is an optional addition.

Next, and extremely important, is water. I learned this summer from Principessa that a slight headache can be a symptom of dehydration. Needless to say, a water bottle has been my constant companion since that conversation. (A personal fan is a good option for those days you want to dash from the airconditioned house to the airconditioned car without needing another shower.)

You will find, to your surprise, that your new best friends are shade,

ceiling fans,

and a bandana.

Finally, in addition to being able to identify the four poisonous snakes (copperheads,cotttonmouths, corals, and rattlesnakes)native to Texas, be on the lookout for these little gems. They may be small, but grass burrs are very painful to bare feet.

Just as long as you stay cool, stay hydrated, and stay away from snakes and grass burrs, you will find your stay in Texas to be delightful.