Saturday I shivered as the cold rain drizzled, and pulled the covers over my eyes as the snow flurries appeared followed by tiny hailstones.
And then I dreamed. A dream of Texas in the Spring.

Yes, Texas heat in the height of summer can be as tough and unrelenting as the Rangers and cowboys who made the state famous, but in the Spring...
In the Spring we have mild, cool days and beautiful bluebonnets,

indian blanket, paintbrush,

winecups, primrose, prairie verbena.

All in unimaginable profusion.

And the perfume that hangs on the air IS the air. Each Spring, the beauty of the bluebonnets lifts its siren call to young and old, "come, rest, enjoy."
I smile thinking of Texas in the Spring and awake to the visitation of Jack Frost on the windshield, his icy calling card spread out on the lawns and fields. It will vanish with the rising of the noonday sun.
But in Texas, in Texas the bluebonnets fill every creature with awe.

Even the cows.