Friday, February 27, 2009

Of Mocha and Friends

Today I had the extreme pleasure of enjoying some Starbucks and good conversation with three young friends. Keep in mind that "young" to a sixtysomething is plenty old enough to vote and then some. I am reminded of an old sage who once quipped, "age is a matter of the mind: if you don't mind, it don't matter." Now, where was I?

Oh yes, at Starbucks. But this was no ordinary Starbucks. It was located in a comfortable corner of my favorite book store.

Mmmmmmmmmm. Coffee (or tea if you are so inclined, they have a delicious assortment of both), books, and friends. Does it get any better than this? Actually, yes, if you count lovin' on the Sprittles, but I'll restrain myself and keep to the subject at hand.

I could spend an entire day here. And almost did. After a delicious white mocha something or other . . .

. . . and a long and pleasant conversation with my young friends about such diverse subjects as college, W and O, philosophy, and of course Texas,
My young friends

. . . we bade a fond farewell. I stayed behind and clicked away at some of my favorites at the B and N, which I will share with you tomorrow.

In the meantime, can you guess:

1. Which two of the above are siblings
2. Which one is attending Geneva College and has a dog named Gus
3. Which one is from a military family

To be continued . . .

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