And take a few pictures.

The tall, modern vapor light could not be avoided, and I begrudgingly allowed him in the picture. But her natural light and the skirting clouds far outshone his spare, no nonsense outline.

The last moments of darkness laying on the hills below her revealed two distinct pictures: the serene trees crowning the cemetery to the left and the crane rising from the naked, machine scraped landscape to the right. I wonder what the neighbors are thinking?
As the days grow shorter, my drive to work affords wondrous views of the sun awakening and scattering the dark above fields of grass and grain. The urge to record the changing colors and shadow is overwhelming.
This day I was fortunate to have a moment to stop. And look. And allow the beauty to flood my soul.
May your soul be filled this day with the beauty that awaits.
"Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul." John Muir
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