There aren't many things on a farm cuter than baby birds. Mama Robin is still sitting on her nest in the lilac tree, but the geese are beginning to hatch out babies. Here is the little one I discovered this morning.

Mama Goose took offense at someone handling her baby. Did you know that a goose is capable of producing a nickel size bruise?
I decided today would be a good day to do something nice for my humans, and since the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, I made my Dear Professor and Son 2 some fudge brownies from a great new recipe I discovered visiting one of those food blogs over on the right side of the page.
Since our ability to accessorize is what distinguishes us from the animals, I added chocolate chips and coconut. This is what it looked like all gussied up for its picture with a sprig of some chocolate mint I just purchased to grow in the garden. (yes, I ate the mint with the brownie and loved every bite.)

Is that brownie calling?
You can find the recipe here. Just tell them I sent ya.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.