It's a hard life, I know, but my Dear Professor loves his family enough to make the sacrifice. And the free books. He loves review copies of books.
Where was I? Oh yes, our town. It's your typical two block town. I think Thornton Wilder would find many things here very similar to his fictional Grover's Corners.
The only high rise is the retirement condo on main street. All eight floors.

The natives, and you have to go back at least seven generations on the same block or farm to claim that distinction, call life here "living in the bubble." Every now and then the bubble bursts, but we don't talk about that.
Let's see, we have everything one could want: a real movie theater with resident bats,

(I am told by one of the natives that the bat colony probably predates the theatre. They keep the lights low, but you can hear fluttering on rare occasions. The bats add a certain, umm, ambience to horror flicks. And mosquitoes are never a problem.)
a ratio of one hairstyling salon for every two women and one pizza place for every three college students,

more Gothic Presbyterian churches than a Southern Baptist can shake a stick at,

one US Post Office (currently under renovation),

railroad tracks that separate the two blocks of downtown from the "suburbs",

three banks in a row,

a local coffee house that serves sandwiches and a caramel macchiatto that can give Starbucks a run for its money,

an uptown block,

a downtown block,

and right smack dab in the middle of Broad Street, wait for it, wait for it,

a tattoo parlor!
Now I ask you, in all seriousness, what would Thornton Wilder say?
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